Write Off Up To 90% Of Your Debt
Check If You Qualify

One affordable low monthly payment & no up-front cost
Yahoo Finance
Global News
National Post
OK Magazine

How does it work?

We will work with you to help clear your debts and rehabilitate your credit with a plan tailored to your needs. Get of out of debts in two steps:

  1. Get a free consultation with a debt relief expert
  2. Negotiate with creditors, a process which results in lower overall monthly payments, reduced debt and assists Canadians with rebuilding their credit

This is not a loan, instead you will speak with a debt consolidation expert to write-off debt and reduce your monthly payment amount.

debt relief assistance
debt consolidation

Is this right for you?

Debt relief programs are ideal for those who are behind on their payments, have steady income, and are only making minimum payments on their debt or have accumulated a large amount of debt.

Participants benefit from:

  • Reduced monthly payments
  • Settling with creditors
  • Avoiding bankruptcy
  • Stopping collection calls

Get Your Free Consultation Today